About the practice
As proclaimed by the media, Dr. Teich has a “cause-oriented” approach to medicine. Dr. Teich says, “Illness resembles a glass of water filled with a myriad of physical and emotional stressors that has overflowed its threshold.” Recurrent ear, sinus and urinary tract infections, ADHD, asthma, autism, headaches, hormonal imbalances, eczema, Crohn’s Disease, and colitis are just a few of the diseases that are usually treated symptomatically with medications. However, recurrent use of antibiotics, steroids, bronchodilators and antidepressants can cause problems of their own. Dr. Teich frames his treatment based on his evaluation of the causes and subsequent imbalances with which the patient presents. These combinations do not always fall within the narrow parameters of specific disease definitions. He treats individuals and their unique puzzle.
Dr. Teich practices with what he classifies as an individualized, dynamic approach. Rather than using one discipline such as conventional, alternative, integrative or functional medicine, he allows himself the freedom to utilize whatever approach fits the individual. Starting with a comprehensive medical history and physical exam allows him to predict the direction of his treatment plan. Epigenetic considerations are a vital part of this initial evaluation. True to this approach, Dr. Teich uses a variety of treatments for his patients, including, but not limited to the following:
Acne Treatment
Alzheimer’s Disease
Asperger Syndrome
Autogenous Antigen Immunotherapy
Candida Treatment
Chemical Sensitivity
Diet Evaluation and Modification
Epstein–Barr virus
Lyme Disease & Coinfections
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Microbiome Balancing
Mold Allergy
Mycotoxin Treatment
Parkinson Disease
Pharmaceutical Medications, if necessary
Provocative Antigen Neutralization
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy
Sublingual Immunotherapy (Immunotherapy under the tongue)
Thyroid Imbalance
Vitamin & Nutritional Support